The London Diocese is the largest Diocese in the Catholic Women's League of Canada. In 2021, we currently have 94 councils and 7,582 members so far this year. Our membership is down considerably, no doubt because of the current pandemic.
In order to be more efficient in disseminating information, and to aid parish councils in their work, the London Diocese is divided into Regional areas. Each area has a member who is responsible to liaise between the Executive Council of the Diocese and the Parish Councils of the areas. Our regions and their representatives for 2023 - 2025 are:
Chatham-Kent: Laurie Lassaline
Essex: Jeanne Lauzon
Huron-Perth: Sharon Twamley
Ingersoll: Fatima Cabral
London: Linda Van Raay
Sarnia: Carol Hall
Windsor: Helen Biales
2015 London Diocese CWL. All rights reserved